Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thing A Day, 16, 17, 18, 19

Mary Magdalene Acrylic on Paper  8" by 5"
I'm back.  I took a few days off and removed myself from my daily routines - no phones, newspapers, family, friends - not even much speech.  I took my paints, a journal, camera, and yoga mat and spent three days at Holy Cross Monastery.  It's only 15 minutes away and yet if felt like I was in another country.  I was tired when I left.  It's been a long time since I've felt really well.  But between the final doses of an antibiotic and the rest, meditation, and prayer, it feels like I've been re created.
And I did a lot of painting.
I was assigned to the Mary Magdalene room, overlooking the river.  I had a good desk for painting, situated under the window.  I watched the ice move back and forth on the river, the moon  and sun rises.  My days were silent except for the daily offices, listening to the monks chanting.  Even meals are taken in silence.  I listened to birds, the wind, melting ice, a violent thunderstorm.  I suspect if I'd had binoculars I'd have seen eagles on the ice flows.  And could it have been swans that I saw this morning flying south with the stray snow flakes?  
Here are two versions of Mary Magdalene with pomegranates and crows.  I had been wondering what the link between these two things might be - and here they are with Mary Magdalene and Mary and Jesus, a perfect fit.
The photo is one I took this morning from the cloister walk - a representation of today's thing a day - the re created me.

Blessings on you this day.
Mary Magdalene Acrylic on Paper, 12" by 9"

Mary and Jesus Acrylic on Paper 12" by 9"

Holy Cross Monastery


  1. Now this sounds like my kind of retreat. I love the pomegranate and crow painting. Is it for sale? How much? {soul hugs} Kathryn, Collage Diva

  2. You might want to try a retreat there, sometime, Kathryn. I'm sure you would love it. This is their website if you want to check it out:

    Yes, the paintings are for sale. Which one are you interested in? I can send you a message with the price if I know which you like - since I've done a number with crows and pomegrantes, I wasn't sure if you're referring to the Mary Magdalene with crow and pomegranate, or one of the previous ones.
