Monday, April 12, 2010

Great Outdoor Challenge - April 12th

I look forward to picking Marcus up after school on any day - but since we've started participating in the Great Outdoor Challenge set up by Lisa at 5 Orange Potatoes, it's even more fun.  I try to stay loose about what we might do - depending on the weather, how much time we'll have together, and our moods.
Today is gorgeous.  And he chose to come to my house.  We decided to try painting with different weeds and flowers and twigs to see what kinds of textures we could come up with.  Marcus was in his "blue" period.  Day lilly leaves and dandelions seemed to be his favorites - I kind of liked the dandelions, too, and also the dry stems left over from last year's day lillies.  Some of the weeds we chose were too light for the heavier tempera paints we were using.  They might do better if we watered them down more. 
Fingers were good.
He wanted to use the lupine leaves to splatter with - but since we didn't have on play clothes we agreed to try that method another day.
So what will tomorrow bring?

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